Sunday, February 5, 2012

02-06-12 WOD

Skill Work: 
Waiter's Carry x5 

(Carry the dumbbell the length of the gym. Down and back is one rep.)

THEN. . .


DB  Bent Over Row
DB Squat Clean
DB Push Up with Side Plank

(Note:  The videos below will help with the rows and side plank form descriptions.  For the planks, right arm =1 left arm =2, right arm=3, left arm=4...etc.)

THEN. . . .



Ring push up
Ring dip (from long sitting position)
Ring Plank with Mountain Climbers

(Note: For the ring dips, place your legs out in front of you resting your heels on the floor and perform a dip.  If you are able to, perform the dip with you legs in the L-sit position.  For the Mountain Climbers, hold a front plank position on the rings and perform your Mountain Climbers. Oh, and by the way, for the Mtn. Climbers, Left and Right =1 rep.)

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