Thursday, March 29, 2012

03-30-12 WOD

Complete the following for time:

Run 800m

2000lb. lift

50 Wall Balls

Row 800m

(Note:  Working in teams of two,  each person is to run or row 800m.  While one person runs, the other jumps rope. They will switch for the row, as one rows, the other will jump rope. Only ONE person will run and the other will row.  As for the Lifting portion,  each team member must lift a total of 2000lbs. and may use only the Back Squat or Front Squat.  You must use at least one of each lift for your total.  Each team member must complete 50 wall balls.  You may not move on to the next activity until you have finished the one you are working on as a team. Good Luck!)

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