Monday, March 26, 2012

03-27-12 WOD

Double Under Practice 5 min

THEN. . .

"Boxing Work"

Round 1
1min Back to Back MB pass
 1 min MB Cleans
1 min Jump Rope

Round 2
1 min MB open hand hitting (each partner)
1 min sit up w/ MB pass to partner
1 min mountain climbers

Round 3
1 min sumo dead lift high pull
1 min jumping jacks
1 min push up on MB

Cool Down:  40 Toes to Bar

(Note: Take one minute rest between rounds.  Round two will be four minutes in length as one person holds the MB while the other open hand "hits" the MB as fast as they can for one minute.  This WOD is to be done with rapid movements to elevate your cardiac performance and recovery.  Good Luck!)

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