Saturday, December 31, 2011

01-01-12 WOD

GOALS, GOALS, GOALS.......      Your Assignment today is to sit down and write up a list of goals for the 2012 year... Bring them into the gym with you on Tuesday and write them down in the front page of your notebook.... Every time you enter the gym, open the book and review your goals... then work toward achieving what you have set out to do.   If you don't have goals, will your fitness last?  I know from personal experience that mine doesn't.  I set goals, whether they be life goals, workout goals, or career goals, because that's what drives me every day.  Working toward accomplishing what I have set out to do.... That is what gives us meaning... what gives us purpose.  Remember to bring your goals with you on Tuesday. Your trainers are waiting.....


50 Walking Lunges holding weight overhead
40 Push Ups
30 Walking Lunges holding weight overhead
20 Burpees
10 Walking Lunges holding weight overhead

Run 1 mile


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