Thursday, May 3, 2012

05-04-12 WOD

30 Ring Dips

THEN. . . 

Two Rounds For Time:

100 MB Sit Ups
80 Air Squats
60 Push Ups
40 Walking Lunges w/ weight overhead
20 Pull Ups
40 KB Swings
60 Toes 2 Bar
80 Mountain Climbers
100 Split Jacks

 (Note:  Working in teams of two, one person works while the other rests.  The person resting must hold a kettlebell for the entire rest period.  When switching, the kettlebell must not hit the floor.  If you or your partner put the kettlebell down at any time during the WOD, there is a 20 Burpee Penalty for your team.)

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