Thursday, May 10, 2012

05-11-12 WOD


Round 1
Pull Ups
MB Slams

Round 2
Air Squats
Ring Dips
Mountain Climbers

Round 3
Sit Ups
Toes 2 Bar
Barbell Thruster (45#bar)

 Hang Snatch (45# bar)
Russian Twists
Split Jacks

THE RULES:  Each team will consist of three members having at least one female member per team.  The workouts are listed above and will be for one minute max effort.  You can decide which member will perform which activity as a team.  Upon the completion of the one minute round, the team will total their reps.  The team with the most reps gets to rest while the rest of the group performs a trail run + 25 reps of the winning teams choice of exercise.  A little competition goes a long way!  Good Luck.

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