If you have to rest and put the kettlebell down at any time during the WOD, there is a 5 burpee penalty! (You can put it down for the rest between rounds.)
(Note: Please take into consideration the volume of this workout and pick a sufficient weight. Use a lighter kettlebell to perform the 1 arm swing as to avoid injury. Enjoy!)
(Note: There is a 30 min. time cap for this workout. If you need to substitute rowing, you may perform sumo dead lift high pulls with #45 bar for 25 reps. See below for the scaled versions of this WOD.)
(Note: work in teams of three... One person completes the round while two people rest. The round is completed after each member has done the circuit. All three members must complete the cash in and cash out portion of the WOD at the same time. Because there is ample rest after your round is completed, you should be working at a faster pace. Remember to scale appropriately. Enjoy!
(Today is a lifting day! Take your time to work through the lifts slowly focusing on form. Your Trainers will be watching! After you have done the first three, let your trainer know, we want to watch your form for the clean and jerk portion of the WOD.)
(Note: You may row before or after the body weight movements. See the video clip below for the description of a "man maker." You may perform them with or without weight as needed. Enjoy!)
(Note: This workout is to be performed without letting go of the medicine ball. If the ball leaves your hands and rests on the floor, there is a five burpee penalty. The sit up is a full sit up from you back to a standing position, the push ups are to be done on the ball, the box jumps are to be done holding the ball (step ups are the modification) as is the Turkish Get Up. Please remember to know your limits and to scale appropriately.)
Oh yes, I almost forgot, be sure to finish before midnight or you'll have to walk home! Enjoy!
(Note: You may work in teams of two. One person works while the other rests. If there is enough diversity, please work in teams of Male/Female. Enjoy!!)
Perform one dead lift on the minute every minute until your total lifts run over the minute time limit.
(Note: You should perform one lift the first minute, two the second, three the third minute, and so on. The WOD ends when you cannot complete the total number of lifts required in the one minute time period. As a general rule, if you are able to, you should lift your body weight. There is a 30 min time cap on this WOD.)
THEN. . . .
Thirty Back Extensions (Not for time... GHD or Superman)
(Use any remaining class time to work your weakness or learn a new skill.)
(Note: Two of the exercises today were reviewed yesterday during class. Be sure to use proper form with sound lifting mechanics... your trainers will be watching!)
Today we would like to take some time to get back to basics. In class today we will concentrate on specific form reviews. Your trainers are pleased with the progress you have made over the past few weeks. We have noticed improved strength, coordination, endurance, and agility. We have also noticed a slight decrease in proper form and sound lifting mechanics. In an effort to emphasize safety first, we will be spending quality time with our classes reviewing mechanics.
THEN. . . .
Pull Ups
Sit Ups
Push Ups
(A tabata is 20 seconds of maximal effort of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest. Repeat for a total of eight rounds. i.e. eight rounds of squats 20 sec on / 10 sec off, eight rounds of pull ups 20sec on / 10 sec off, etc...)
This WOD is a difficult one so be sure to scale it appropriately. If you don't have time to finish all three rounds, don't sweat it... you'll be sweaty enough. If you're feeling up to the challenge, eliminate the rests and complete three rounds for time. Enjoy!
(Note: This is a workout that I will often do when traveling or at home on a Sunday when I can't get to the gym. You may use a chair or couch or high step for the dips. Enjoy!)
You Asked for It..... So We're Gonna Give It to You.........
30 Ring Push Ups
Row 1000m
150 MB Cleans
Row 1000m
150 Burpees
Row 1000m
150 Ring Dips
(This WOD was designed for teams of three... only one person is allowed to work at a time... each member should row one whole segment. You may break up the rest as you see fit, only one may work at a time.)
The CrossFit Total is the total sum of three lifts: Back Squat, Shoulder Press, and Dead Lift.
In case you haven't realized, today is a lifting day. Be sure to check your form and warm up adequately, then work slowly through the weights attempting a 1 rep max for each of the three lifts. Write your total down in your journal as this will be re-tested at a later time during the year!
Take 15 minutes and review the Burgener Warm Up. It is a great way to familiarize yourself with the Olympic Lifts and builds excellent awareness of body/ barbell position when lifting.
In this video, Coach Burgener walks you through the steps.
THEN. . . . .
Pull Ups
(Although it may not seem like much, Fran is a difficult work out. It should not take longer than 5 minutes to complete so make sure you have the weight scaled appropriately. If you don't know, ask you trainer to help you scale effectively. Be sure to post your times this week in your journals as the WODs this week will be re-visited throughout the year and we will use them as a baseline to document progress. Enjoy!)