Friday, January 13, 2012

01-14-12 WOD





3 Rounds For Time:

11 MB Sit Up to Stand
9 MB Cleans
7 MB Push Ups
5 MB Lunges
3 MB Box Jumps
1 MB Turkish Get Up

(Note:  This workout is to be performed without letting go of the medicine ball.  If the ball leaves your hands and rests on the floor, there is a five burpee penalty.  The sit up is a full sit up from you back to a standing position, the push ups are to be done on the ball, the box jumps are to be done holding the ball (step ups are the modification) as is the Turkish Get Up.  Please remember to know your limits and to scale appropriately.)
 Oh yes, I almost forgot, be sure to finish before midnight or you'll have to walk home!  Enjoy!

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